
Tercero Inglés Mindmap am COGANTES, erstellt von Joselin Martinez am 11/03/2021.
Joselin Martinez
Mindmap von Joselin Martinez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Joselin Martinez
Erstellt von Joselin Martinez vor etwa 4 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. In a technical sense, two words that have a common origin are cognates.
    1. Most often, cognates are words in two languages that have a common etymology and thus are similar or identical.
      1. Cognates often have a similar meaning, but in some cases the meaning has changed over the centuries in one language or another.
        1. In a popular and less technical sense, the term ―cognate also is used to refer to words in two languages that are similar but have no common origin.
          1. Also in a popular and not technical sense, the phrase ―false cognate is used to refer to cognates that have different meanings.
            1. A more precise term to use for such word pairs is ―false friends.
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