Corpus and Translation


G. O's
Max Valencia Elizalde
Mindmap von Max Valencia Elizalde, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Max Valencia Elizalde
Erstellt von Max Valencia Elizalde vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Corpus and Translation
  1. Corpora
    1. A corpus is a collection of texts. We call it a corpus (plural: corpora) when we use it for language research.
      1. Corpora can be used to raise awareness about language in general, they are extremely useful in training translators and in pointing up potential problems for translation
        1. It is possible to align the documents so that sentences can be extracted that include a word or phrase in one language and its equivalent in one or more other languages every time it has been used.
          1. Translation
            1. It is an increasingly important application of corpora.
              1. This example shows how corpora can be used to create reference tools for translators.
                1. BOOKS translation
                  1. English – French French – English
                    1. Comprise the texts
                      1. Possible translation
                        1. The corps user can then see how a particular expression has been translated in each translation
              2. It tends to focus on two areas
                1. Practical:
                  1. What software can be developed that will enable a translator to exploit corpora as an aid in the day-to-day business of translation?
                  2. Theorical
                    1. What does a corpus consisting of translated texts indicate about the process of translation itsef?
                    2. Translations are often more explicit than their source texts.
                      1. They include background information that the source text omits.
                  3. Stylistics
                    1. There is a resistance in the literary-critical world to the use of corpora as an aid to interpretation o individual literary texts
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