
Types of Bullying
Roberto Llerena Caizaluisa
Mindmap von Roberto Llerena Caizaluisa, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Roberto Llerena Caizaluisa
Erstellt von Roberto Llerena Caizaluisa vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Bullying is a behavior that hurts, harms or humiliates a person
    1. Types of Bullying
      1. Active Bullying
        1. It includes physical and verbal bulling
        2. Passive Bullying
          1. When a person makes the other feel invisible by ignoring them.
          2. Cyber Bullying
            1. Such as sending mean messages by text, email, or social media.
          3. A Bully looks for ways to get power and control over another person, to make that person feel bad.
            1. WHAT TO DO?
              1. Look at them and tell them to stop in a calm, clear voice.
                1. If speaking up seems not to safe walk away and tell a friend or parent, teacher, or any other trusted adult.
                  1. Do not respond to the messages, block the numbers on your cellphone, or unfriend a person on social media.
                    1. Keep evidence and report it to an adult.
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