Life Cycle of Frog


Mindmap am Life Cycle of Frog, erstellt von Laura Fernanda Kaneev Ramírez am 19/03/2021.
Laura Fernanda  Kaneev Ramírez
Mindmap von Laura Fernanda Kaneev Ramírez , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Laura Fernanda  Kaneev Ramírez
Erstellt von Laura Fernanda Kaneev Ramírez vor fast 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Life Cycle of Frog
  1. 1st step: The eggs are put in the water.
    1. 2nd step: Tadpoles hatch from these eggs.
      1. 3rd step: Who spend their time in the water, swimming, eating and growing.
        1. 4rd step:Tadpoles breathe through gills and have tails.
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