Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Cognitive Structural Theories
- Women's Ways of Knowing Theory
- Baxter Magolda's Model of Epistemological
- 1992
- Epistemological difference between gender
- 1, Receiving knowledge: Minimal interaction with instructors, an
emphasis on comfort in the learning environment, relationships
with peers, and ample opportunities ti demonstrate knowledge
- 2. Transitional Knowing: Involves an acceptance
that some knowledge is uncertain
- Interpersonal Knowing: is characterized by interaction with peers to gather
and share idea, values of rapport with instructor to facilitate
self-expression, a preference for evaluation geared to individual differences
and resolving uncertainty by employing personal judgment
- 3. Independent Knowing: Is viewed as mostly
uncertain. The preferred role of the instructor shifts
to providing the context for knowledge exploration
- 4. Contextual Knowing: Reflects a
convergence of previous gender related
- Baxter was interested in how
similarities and difference emerged
from Belenky work with genders and
thought more needed to be looked at
- The need to address gender in a study
with cognitive development that
would become a longitudinal study
- 1986
- Different ways of knowing as
"perspectives" rather than stages
- Silence: is characterized as
mindless, voiceless and obedient.
Women find themselves to the
whims of external authority
- Received Knowing: A lack of
self-confidence is evident in the
belief that one is capable of
recieving and reproducing
knowledge imparted by external
authorities but not of creating one's
own knowledge
- Subjective Knowing: The
pendulum swings, and truth is
now seen as residing in the self
- Procedural Knowing: involves learning
and applying objective procedures for
taking in and conveying knowledge
- Constructed Knowing: invloves
the integration of subjective and
objective knowledge, with both
feeling and thought of present
- The researcher became
interested in why women speak
so frequently of problems and
gaps in their learning and so
often doubt they intellectual
- Looked at 135 women to see
what their problems were
- King and Kitchener's Reflective Judgment Model
- 1994
- Reflective judgments are made to bring closure to
situations that can be characterized as uncertain.Each of
the seven stages represents a distinct set of assumptions
about knowledge and the process of acquiring knowledge
- Prereflective thinkers: Do not
acknowledge or possible even realize
that knowledge is uncertain.
- Quasi-reflective thinkers: Realize that
ill-structured problems exist and that
knowledge claims about these problems
include uncertainty
- Reflective thinkers: Maintain that knowledge is actively
constructed, and claims of knowledge must be viewed in
relation to the context in which they were generated
- Peoples assumptions about what and how something can
be known provides a lens that shapes how individuals
frame a problem and how they justify their beliefs
- How can you become a reflective
thinker when there is no clear
answer to the problem
- Kolb's Theory of Learning
- 1984
- Dicussion of learning styles and
the relationship between
learning and development, and
implication of learning styles
for higher education
- Accommodator: Action
oriented, at ease with people,
trial and error problem solving
- Diverger: People and feeling oriented
- Converger: Prefers technical
tasks over
social/interpersonal settings
- Assimilator: Emphasizes ideas rather than people
- Student are entering university with
divers backgrounds and working
effectively with them in the classroom is
important. Kolb was looking at ways to
better understand who the student is
- Enhances the educators ability to provide
challenging and supportive environments in
which help the student learn and devlopme
- Integrative Theories (Ecological Approaches)
- Human
- 1955
- Represents a way of looking at the
"interaction and interdependence of
humans with the environment.
- Understanding a family or other social unit as an ecosystem
- Located in a nested context of the human built environment
- A natural physical-biological environment
- It lays the foundation for understanding college
students using ecological approaches which was
taken from general ecology and was adapted
- Used to understand growth and development with applied fields of family studies social work and health professionls
- Developmental Ecology
- 1979
- Focuses attention on the
individuals rather than the
cultures in which they are
- Process: Encompasses
particular forms of interaction
between organism and
- Person component in conjunction with
process provides a greater
understanding of how the PPCT model
shines light on what is going on in the
how and what of the
person-environment interaction
- Context: Focus of empirical and theoretical inquiry
- Time: This element has
been taken away from the
ecological systems model
but it is still clear today
- Microsystem: Is a pattern of activites, roles, and
interpersonal realtion that invite permit or inhibit
engagement in sustained progressively more complex
interaction the immediate environment.
- Mesosystem: comprises linkages
and process taking place between
two or more settings containing
the developing person
- Exosystem: does not contain the devloping individual
but exert an influence on his or her environment
through interactions with the microsystem
- Macrosystem: Consists of the
overreaching pattern of the
micro-meso-and excosystem
characteristic of a given culture
- Urie Bronfenbrenner
- Considers interactions between individuals and their
developmental context. It helps explain how outcomes
occurs as an interactions of a persons environment
- Assuming that development cannot be accounted for by
individual attributes, but they are developed with connections
between individuals outcomes and environmental context
- Campus Ecology
- 1974
- The study of the relationship between the
student and the campus environment
- It helps understand the student
when looking at the ecology of a
students campus environment
- Transactional relationship between
students campus environment and
- Theory
- Year
- Purpose
- Definition
- Stages of Thory
- Extra Information
- Cass's Identity Development Model
- 1979
- It describes the disruptive influences of heterosexism
on identity development of gays and lesbians and the
eventual integration into a positive identity
- 1. Identity Confusion: Socialized and playing a
heterosexual role, but experiencing same-sex feelings
and a sense of "Differentness."
- 2. Identity Comparison: Compare his or her
own heterosexual message/ portrays/
self-deception to increase realization of her or
her gay/lesbian proclivities
- 3. Identity Tolerance: To accept their
gay/lesbian identity and progressively move
away from the heterosexual world
- 4. Identity Acceptance: Have a greater contact with the
gay community, develops friendships with LGBTs and
tolerance moves to acceptance.
- 5. Identity Pride: experiences increasingly positive feelings with a
strong sense of identification with the gay community and to
attain a sense of heightened sociopolitical awareness
- 6. Identity Synthesis: The "us" versus "them" mentality begins to
disapear with the realization that many heterosexuals are
understanding and valuable allies in the struggle for equality
- Sexual-orientation identity development
models descrive a process of movement from
dealing with heterosexism to liberation