Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Simple Past
- O passado simples dos verbos regulares é marcado pelo sufixo "ed", já os verbos irregulares possuem formas próprias.
- AFIRMATIVA: Sujeito + Passado do Verbo + Complemento
- He STUDIED a lot yesterday
- The dog BARKED a lot last night
- I USED TO live in Los Angeles
- NEGATIVA: Sujeito + Verbo Auxiliar + Verbo Principal
- He DIDN'T pay the bill
- She DIDN'T work yesterday
- I DIDN'T USE TO walk in the park years ago.
- INTERROGATIVE: Verbo Auxiliar + Sujeito + Verbo Principal
- DID he call me yesterday ?
- DID you drink wine last night ?
- DID you USE TO walk in the park ?