Past Continuous


Mindmap von hortenciadimadri, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von hortenciadimadri vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Past Continuous
  1. Descreve uma ação que estava ocorrendo em um certo período no passado.
    1. AFIRMATIVA: Sujeito + Passado Simples do Verbo + Gerúndio do Verbo Principal
      1. Fred WAS DANCING with his girlfriend
        1. They WERE SCREAMING last night
          1. She WAS WORKING yesterday night
          2. NEGATIVA: Sujeito + Passado Simples do Verbo + NOT + GVP
            1. I WASN'T WATCHING TV last night
              1. They WEREN'T WAITING for her at the airport
                1. I WASN'T TRAVELING last week
                2. INTERROGATIVA: Passado Simples do Verbo + Sujeito + GVB
                  1. WERE you SLEEPING ?
                    1. WAS it SNOWING this morning ?
                      1. WAS lisa COPYING exercises ?
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