Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Maria Navarro´s PLE
- WHERE do I RECOLLECT new information?
- WIKIPEDIA, ususally for doing works
- BLOGS, for doing works or learning (about healthy and sport, topics which I love)
- GOOGLE SCHOLAR, for searching scientific articles and working with the information
- INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION SCIENCE (ERIC), for doing works (free)
- The best point is that you can find articles about education, health, sports and many themes and...they are FREE! (Some of them only let you see the abstract).
- MARCA or FFEMENINO, to know about sport news
- I usually read both newspapers, but online. And concretely FFEMENINO in my mobile phone.
- TV, I sometimes watch documentaries
- I like watching documentaries of history (Canal Historia o Discovery Max) because I learn more than in the school.
- CLASSMATES, I ask them doubts about subjects
- Above all, when I am studing and I have got doutbs about psychology I ask them by WhatsApp and they answer me in a few minutes.
- FAMILY, FRIENDS and TEACHERS, I asked them If I have doubts in general
- BOOKS, as scientific encyclopedia
- SPOTYFY, for listening music
- HOW do I WORK with the information?
- WORD, I mix the information that I have to finally write an idea complete and logical
- POWERPOINT or PREZI, I make visual presentations
- EXCELL, for doing my own graphics
- PAPER, for doing schemas
- Athough when this year I discovered "examtime" and "mindmeister" I started to do all my schemas with these tools.
- WHO do I SHARE the informtion WITH?
- TWITTER, I share information about
health and fitness WITH MY
- INSTAGRAM, I share special photos for me WITH MY FOLLOWERS
- YOUTUBE, in my channel I share videos that I have made
- CLASSMATES, I share with them
contents and doubts about our subjects
- FAMILY and FRIENDS, I share with them
moments and doubts about my life