The Independence Settlement


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The Independence Settlement
  1. The Partition Plan
    1. after WWII Britain was in great debt so couldn't keep control in India
      1. 1947, British withdrawal by August 1947
      2. 1945, Labor Government elected
        1. Prime Minister Clement Attlee sought to separate India and Britain
        2. negotiations started at Simla Conferece, June 1945
          1. Jawaharlal Nehru, Congress Representative
            1. more open to modernist, socialist building and social engineering projects than Gandhi
            2. 1946 Cabinet Mission developed compromise
              1. divided provinces into 3 groups
                1. Group A,B,C
                  1. Goup A= Hindu majority states
                    1. Group B = northwestern Muslim majority
                      1. group C = eastern state of Bengal
                  2. Jinnah tried to show power of Muslim League through Direct Acton Day in November 1946 = turned to violence against Hindus in bengal
                    1. Hindu right demanded Partition, seeking Hindu nation as counterweight against Muslim Pakistan
                    2. Trauma of Partition, 1947-55
                      1. When partition was announced in Feb, 1947, there was no simple way to determine borders
                        1. In Punjab area many violent episodes, Punjab = militarized because most soldiers were from there
                          1. August 15, 1947
                            1. Nehru's tryst with With Destiny speech = panted an optimistic vision of Indians committed to their own government
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