Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Introduction to Cells
- The Cell Theory
- living organisms
made of cells
- first explored:
17th century
- cells are the fundamental
blocks of all living organisms
- common features of cells
- surrounded by membranes
- contains genetic information
- cells activities: chemical reactions
catalysed by enzymes produced in cell
- have own energy release sytems
- Unicellular organisms
- consisting of only one cell
- carries out all life functions
- Metabolism
- Growth
- Excretion
- Homeostasis
- Nutrition
- Response
- Reproduction
- some move; some drift
in air/water or stay
- Limitations on cell size
- surface area to volume ratio
- too small
- surface absorption less
- waste accumulates
- overheating
- metabolic rate of cell is
proportional to volume
- substance absorbption and
waste excretion important
- movement through
plasma memberanes
- surface area determines
- multicellular organisms
- have properties that
emerge from cell interaction
- emergent properties
- whole is greater than
sum of its parts
- mass of cells fused together
- cooperative groups
- Cell differentiation in
multicellular organisms
- used to develop specialized tissue
- division of labor
- tissue
- group of cells that
specialize in the same way
- more efficient
- to carry out different fiunctions
- 220 distinctive
types in humans
- Gene expression and
cell differentiation
- involves expression of
some genes and not others
- 25000 genes present in
every human body cell
- only some used
- imp: control of
gene expression
- Stem cells
- therapeutic uses
- regenerate burnt tissue
- healing diseases like diabetes
- grow replacement organs such as kidney
- embryonic development
- cells that haven't differentiated yet
- key properties
- can produce copious amounts of new
cells; rectify tissue damage
- can differentiate in different ways
- large amounts of meat for
consumption without slaughter
- once commited to pah of
differentiation; no longer stem cells
- adult stem cells in bone marrow,
liver and skin
- limited repair; brain,
kidney and heart