How many people speak Spanish over time changed compared to all of the other major languages worldwide?


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How many people speak Spanish over time changed compared to all of the other major languages worldwide?
  1. Romance Languages
    1. Spanish
      1. 31 Countries
        1. 399m speakers
        2. French
          1. 51 Countries
            1. 75.9m speakers
            2. Italian
              1. 16 Countries
            3. Middle Eastern Languages
              1. Arabic
                1. 26 Countries
                  1. 220m speakers
                  2. Persian
                    1. 57m speakers
                      1. 8 Countries
                      2. Turkish
                        1. 8 Countries
                      3. Others
                        1. Russian
                          1. 166m speakers
                            1. 16 countries
                            2. Hindi
                              1. 22 countries
                                1. 545m speakers
                                2. Chinese
                                  1. 1.115b speakers
                                    1. 3 countries
                                  2. Germanic Languages
                                    1. English
                                      1. 101 countries
                                        1. 335m speakers
                                        2. Swedish
                                          1. 9.6m speakers
                                            1. 1 country
                                            2. Norwegian
                                              1. 5.1m speakers
                                                1. 1 country
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