Zusammenfassung der Ressource
P1 - Energy Resources
- non - renewable energy resources
- non renewable energy resources are fossil fuels
and nuclear fuel (uranium and plutinium)
- fossil fuels are natural resources that form
underground over millions of years. They're
typically burnt to provide energy
- the three main fossil fuels are: Coal, Oil
and (natural) gas
- these will run out one day
- they all do damage to the environment
- they provide most of our energy
- renewable energy resources
- most of them do damage to the
environment, but in less nasty ways than
non - renewables
- will never run out - the energy can be 'renewed' as it's
- the trouble is they don't provide much energy and some of
them are unreliable because they depend on the weather
- renewable energy resources are: thin sun(solar), wind, water
waves, hydro - electricity, bio-fuels, tides and geothermal
- used for transport
- transport is one of the most obvious
places where fuel is used
- non renewable energy resources
- petrol and diesel powered
vehicles use fuel created from oil
- coal is used un some old- fashioned
steam trains to boil water to produce
- renewable energy resources
- vehicles that run on pure bio-fuels or a
mix of bio-fuel and petrol or diesel. (only
the bio-fuel bit is renewable though
- used for heating
- non - renewable energy resources
- natural gas is the most widely used
fuel for heating homes in the UK. The
gas is used to heat water, which is
then pumped into radiators
throughout the home
- coal is commonly burnt in fireplaces
- electric heaters (sometimes
called storage heaters) which
use electricity generated from
non - renewable energy
- renewable energy resources
- a geothermal (or
ground source) heat
pump uses
geothermal energy
resources to heat
- solar water heaters work by
using the sun to heat water
which is then pumped into
radiators in the building
- burning bio - fuel or using
electricity generated from
renewable resources can also be
used for heating