Identifying Language Function


Universidad Nacional UNAD
Dago Néstor  Ropain Martínez
Mindmap von Dago Néstor Ropain Martínez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Dago Néstor  Ropain Martínez
Erstellt von Dago Néstor Ropain Martínez vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Identifying Language Function
  1. All conceptual learning is based on how language works
    1. To represent social and cognitive understanding.
    2. For basic semantic relations
      1. For basic semantic relations, developed for the first time
        1. the cognitive or thoughtful part of the relationship
          1. represents what the child does to others or objects.
          2. the child learns the English sound pattern for "juice cup"
            1. as long as the child is able to receive sensory input
              1. and perceptively process sensory patterns into sound patterns about things the child sees,
                1. then the child learns the basic semantic relationships about people or agents
                  1. their actions and their objects.
                  2. Problems with acquiring basic semantic relationships
                    1. A child who cannot receive sensory input from spoken patterns
                      1. or a child who is unable to convert perceptual patterns into concepts
                        1. may not develop concepts easily and therefore
                          1. will have difficulty acquiring language functions.
                          2. Once a child begins to acquire these basic semantic relationships
                            1. and can express them with sound patterns
                              1. then the child will begin to expand the functions of language
                                1. of basic relationships.
                                2. The linguistic function of the child
                                  1. shows the child's social intention to learn in relation to
                                    1. with other people in the child's environment.
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