Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Surving in different
- survival and ability
to breed
- Charesteristics
called adaptions. E.g
behaviour, function
- Structural
- Physical
- Colour: camouflarge
- Weapon: sting
- Apearance:
- Functional
- function of internal
- depends on immediate
environment E.g chamelion
- Behaviour
- animal acts: nocturnal,
still, store food
- Plants: narrow leaves
- Purpose = survival in
- no favourable
characteristics die out
- others survive- offspring inherit-
favourable common
- allows variation
- enivronmental survival
- difference in genes,
chromosones- inheritance
- genetic mutation
- diet, avaliaibilty , habitat
- Natural selection
- process in which
enviironmentcs selects
- reducing unfavourable
- Theories of evolution/
beggining of life
- 1700 belief organisms/
chareteristics fixed
- George Buffin: capable of
- Eramus darwin-
change to another
- Charles Darwin: grandson
- different species-
common anscestor
- Galapogas island-
naturaul selction
- 14 species finches
- similar colour-
different body
- naturaul beak variation
- birds suited- survive- offspring
- denounced- god
- first with scientific proof
- alfred russel wallace-
same conclusion
- inferior killed off
- published paper with darwin 1958
- Jean BaptisteLarmarck:
1st detailed
- simlilarities and
difference- only if species
are elvoving
- adapated through struggle to survive
- organs used= stonger 'not
used= weaker
- changes passed on
- no evidence- modern geneitics show
aquireed characteristics cannot be inerited
- inheritance comes from chromosones
- Types
- Speciation: process of
forming new species
- occurs over long time
- combination: natural selection
and other eg isolation, mutation
- 1. geographic isolation
- earthqauke, group split
experiencing diff circumstances
- 2. Natural selection
- over time each group will change
- sub species-look diff, still
- 3. Reproductive isolation
- isolated long enough- can't
interbreed because of change
- new species
- Divergent
- new species-common ancestor
- finches
- adaptive radiation:
organism adapt to new
- convergent
- elvove and develop similar adaption
- similar enviro, lifstyle
- parallel
- related species - similar features
while seperated
- look alike and common ancestry
but in diff locations
- fossil record
- palaentology:
study of fossils
- preserved evi past life
- actual remains of
- mammoth in ice
- hard parts of
- shells,teeth,bones
- evi of presence
- footprints
- impressions
- hollowed casts
- age of fossil/rocks
- radiosotope
dating tecniques
- scientists developed
geological time scale
- earth-era-periods-epochs
- early life
- gaseous methane,
vapour split by sunrays
- gas molecules and new
bonds=organic moleculles
- single celled, anareobic
= photosethetic bacteria
- oxygen- ozane
- 1500 mill ygo= sexual
- 600mill yag
recongnisable animals
- fossils found- edicara