The French & Indian War


American History Social Studies (American History) Mindmap am The French & Indian War, erstellt von Selam H am 29/10/2013.
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Mindmap von Selam H, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Selam H
Erstellt von Selam H vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The French & Indian War


  • One of the wars within the "Seven Years War" in Europe.
  1. Causes...
    1. Control Ohio Valley wanted
      1. More land wanted
        1. To protect colonists
    2. British (advantages)
      1. A few Indian allies
        1. Larger population (15 to 1)
          1. #1 Navy in the world at the time
            1. Smaller area to defend
      2. French & Indians (advantages)
        1. Many Indian allies
          1. One government easier to control compared to the British who had 14
        2. Effects...
          1. British won the war
            1. French Driven Out
              1. Military Experiance
                1. War Debt
                  1. The Albany Plan of Union: Benjamin Franklin's attempt to unite all the different colonial governments. Failed at this time, but the idea developed later.
            2. Treaty of Paris
              1. Ended the French & Indian War
                1. Gave Canada & all land east of the Mississippi river to the British
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