The Slave Trade


History Mindmap am The Slave Trade, erstellt von Charnanigan14 am 29/10/2013.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Slave Trade
  1. Before Europeans
    1. Slave trade happened mainly between 1400s and 1700s
      1. Ancient Greece
        1. Mines, farms, house servants
        2. Romans
          1. More slaves than Romans!
          2. Abbasid Empire
            1. In 600s, they enslaved black Africans
            2. Muslim traders sold 5000 people every year as slaves in Europe or Middle East
              1. West African tribes
              2. With Europeans
                1. Portuguese went to Africa in 1415
                  1. Began trading for slaves to work on plantations in Canary Islands or Madiera
                  2. Spanish set up plantations in West Indies after1492
                    1. Portuguese began selling slaves to spanish
                    2. By 1600s, British, Dutch and French set up slave posts in Africa to sell slaves to Spanish
                      1. Britain dominated slave trade and owned plantations in West Indies and America
                      2. At least 11 million people died on travel across Atlantic
                      3. Conditions
                        1. Africans were taken from their villages and sold to white European slave traders
                          1. 10% of slaves died in first year of slavery
                            1. Some slaves protested
                              1. Break tools
                                1. Work slowly
                                  1. Escape
                                    1. The Underground Railroad smuggled escaped slaves to Northern States of America or Canada
                                    2. William Wilberforce and Granville Sharp protested in courts and parliament
                                      1. In 1807, slavery was banned in British Empire
                                        1. Keeping slaves was banned in 1833
                                          1. Slaves were paid
                                            1. No-one under 6 was allowed to be a slave
                                              1. If they were already a slave, they only worked for 4 years
                                                1. Part free, part slave
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