Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- programming is simply providing instructions to
a computer to solve problems
- the main skill that programming requires is
problem solving
- import turtle
- wn = turtle.Screen()
- daisy = turtle.Turtle()
- these are the starter lines
- daisy.forward(150)
- daisy.left(90)
- daisy.forward(75)
- these are some of the instructions you could
use to move the line
- daisy.penup()
- daisy.pendown()
- allows pen to be lifted to correct location
without drawing the putting back down again
- daisy.fillcolour("yellow")
- fills inside of an object to a
certain colour
- daisy.endfill()
- stops filling in the object
- for x in range (5) :
- daisy.left(75)
- daisy.forward(120)
- repeats the pattern instead of
writting it out loads