Regular and Irregular verbs


Regular and Irregular verbs
Valentina Bolla Bordas
Mindmap von Valentina Bolla Bordas, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Valentina Bolla Bordas
Erstellt von Valentina Bolla Bordas vor fast 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Regular and Irregular verbs
  1. Regular Verbs
    1. Add D to verbs ending in E
      1. +D
        1. Ex : Like-Liked Die-Died
        2. Add IED to verbs ending in consonant T+Y
          1. +IED
            1. Ex : Cry-Cried Study-Studied
            2. Double the last consonant and add ED
              1. Verbs ending in C.V.C
                1. C.V.C = Consonant vowel and consonant
                2. EX : Plan-Planned Stop-Stopped
                3. For the rest of the verbs add ED
                  1. General rule
                    1. +ED
                      1. Ex : Work-Worked Play-Played Book-Booked
                    2. Irregular Verbs
                      1. An irregular verb is one that does not form its simple past. Irregular verbs contrast with regular verbs.
                        1. EX : Say, said, said. Go, went, gone.
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