Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Acids, Bases, PH and Buffers
- Acid - Substance that release Hydrogen ions H+
- Strong acids completely dissociates
- Hydrochloric acid -HCl (Stomach)
- Lactic acid - C3H6O3
- Weak acids - does not dissociate
- Carbonic acid -H2CO3
- Cellular respiration - C02 + H20 > H2C03
- Amino acid
- Carboxylic acid - fatty acids
- methanoic
- ethanoic
- Ascorbic acid - Vitamin C
- Base - Substance that take up H+, Proton acceptors, aka alkali
- Strong base - Completely dissociates
- NaOH > NA + OH- Sodium hydroxide
- Weak acid - does not dissociate
- Magnesium Hydroxide - antacid
- Aqueous ammonia - urine
Amino group in proteins
- Ionize
- To dissociate into electrically charged species - H20 > H+ (acid) + OH- (base)
- Proportion of Hydrogens
- 0-14
- More H+, PH goes down 6-1
- OH-, PH goes up 8
- PH = 7.35-7.45 BLOOD - NEEDS to be in this range
- ACIDOSIS - PH Below -7.35, INCREASED h+ concentration
- Respiratory Acidosis
- Higher CO2 > Higher H2Co3 > Higher H+
- Hypoventilation due to asthma, COPD, oedma
- Symptoms - Shortness of breath,
arrhythmia, increased heart rate,
- Respiratory acidosis is when the lungs
cannot remove all of the carbon dioxide the
body produces. This causes body fluids,
especially the blood, to become too acidic
- Lactoacidosis, anaerobic glycoysis
- Metabolic Acidosis
- Metabolic acidosis is increased acid
produced or ingested by the body,
the decreased renal excretion of
acid, or bicarbonate loss from the
- Symptoms - Confusion, drowsiness, decreased BP, Kussmal respiration
- Causes by
- Diarrohea - LOss of Bicorbonate ions
- fasting/starving - DIABETIES
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- No insuline to move glucose, uses fat = creates keatones
- Kidney failure
- do not excrete H+ in urine
- Lactoacidosis- shock
- Low HC03-
- Blood test results
- Normal range PH 7.35-7.45
PACO2 4.7-6.0. kPA
HC0-3 -19-29mmol/l
- Respiratory
- If the PH is point in the opposite
direction to the PaCo2 and HC0-3
- Metabolic
- If all 3 values are pointing in the same direction e.g
low ph, low PaCo2, low HC03- or High, high, high
- At Altitude Ph will rise, PCo2 will fall
- ALKALOSIS - PH Above 7.45 decrease h+ concentration
- Respiratory Alkalosis
- Hyperventilation
- Rise in PH, decrease Pco2, decrease H+
- Light headedness,
hypokalemia, numbness
- Metabolic Alkalosis
- Caused by vomiting - getting ride of H+
(hydrochloric acid), Diuretics increases
urine output. alkaline drug, dehydration
- Increase HC03- (bicarbonate)
- Confusion, tremors, muscle cramps, restlessness
- Buffers
- acid-balance regulation - resist
ph change, can be acid or base
Buffers are compounds which
maintain constant PH when an
acid or alkais are added
- Carbonic acid/bicarbonate -
ECF buffer
- c02 + h20 <> H2Co3 <> H+ hC03- <> H+ cO3-2
- Acts as both a acid and base - system fails with respiratory system problems
- Phosphate Buffer system
- ICF - H+ release Urine
- H2P04- and HPo42-
- Haemoglobin
- Transports Co2
- Buffers Co2 - CO2 + H20 + H2C03