Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Genetic Inheritance
- Definitions
- Gene- The smallest unit of heredity
corresponding to section of DNA that codes
for a specific mRna that is, a section of DNA
located between a start codon and a stop
- Chromosome- The structures that
are formed within the nucleus of a
cell by the super-collided DNA - 46
chromosomes (23 pairs of
homologous chromosomes) 44 =
autosomes 2 = sex chromosomes
- Locus- the specific point at a
chromosome where a gene is located
- Allele -Two matched genes at
same location (locus)on
- Homozygous- If two alleles code for same
trait (FF, ff)
- Heterozygous-If two alleles
different (Ff)
- Genotype-The genetic composition of an individual
- Phenotype – The physical expression of a
genotype (Brown hair)
- Dominant - If allele masks or suppresses the expression of the
other allele it is said to be dominant (represented by capital letter)
- Recessive-The allele masked is
said to be recessive (represented
by lowercase letter)
- Autosomal Dominant
- Genes that will dominant a recessive
gene (FF, Ff - phenotype will show)
- Normal skin pigment, freckles, ability to roll
tongue. normal arches, dimples, unttached earlobs
- Autosomal Recessive
- Gene that will only show with two
homozygous recessive gene
- Albinsm, No freckles, no tongue
roll,no dimples, flat feet, attached
earlobes (ff)
- Sex-Linked Inheritance
- Inherited traits determined by genes on sex
chromosome • A gene found only on
X-chromosome = X-linked • A gene found only on
Y-chromosome = Y-linked • If recessive not masked
– so will be expressed in males
- If recessive not masked –
so will be expressed in
males - Color
- Multiple Allele Inheritance
- Some genes exhibit more
than two allele forms e.g.
blood group
- Ia, Ib are co-dominant; i is recessive
- You can be blood group A, B, O or AB
- Incomplete
- Both alleles expressed in heterozygous to
produce a different phenotype to either
homozygous trait, often an intermediate
- inheritance of
hair texture,
flower colours –
CC is curly hair
cc is straight
hair – Cc is wavy
- Polygenic Inheritance
- Some traits require
several gene pairs
- Skin colour based on three gene pairs, each with 2
alleles Phenotype is continuous from very fair to very
- Genetic Diseases
- Cystic Fibrosis – autosomal recessive • Sickle cell
anaemia- co-dominance • Haemophilia- X-linked
recessive • Down syndrome - Trisomy 21 –
chromosomal abnormality