Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Korean War
- Leaders
- Kim ll-sung-
- (1912-94) In the early years of the cold war Kim tried to
unify all of Korea under his own communist leadership.
Kim started off being more popular in both the North
and South, but once he invaded the South he found
that Syngman Rhee had won over a majority of the
South's people. Resulting in Kim's army not being
greeted as liberators as he had expected but instead the
army that they were. Kim led North Korea throughout
the Korean War before accepting the armistice in 1953.
Kim found victory many times during the war, while also
almost falling to defeat at some stages too. He continued
to rule as a communist country for another 40 years
after the end of the Cold War, but in the later years of
his ruling the North fell further and further into poverty
and authoritarianism.
- Douglas C. MacArthur
- (1880-1964) He's considered one of the most powerful military officers in modern American history. He
organised what was said to be a 'brilliant' amphibious attack behind enemy lines at Inchon. This attack
nearly allowed the United States to win the war in the fall of 1950. MacArthur badly underestimated the
Chinese though and the threat they posed, so they were caught completely off guard by the Chinese in
November 1950. With MacArthur's forces thrown into retreat, MacArthur demanded a retaliation- possibly
involving nuclear weapons- against China itself. President Truman refused his request fearing it would lead
to WWlll. After Truman and MacArthur got in a very public fight about the subject, Truman decided to
relieve MacArthur of his duties.
- Syngman Rhee
- (1875-1965) He was an American- educated Korean exile who returned to his
country to become the first president of South Korea in 1948. He was about
70 years old by the time he became Korea's first president and had also
become a strong anti- communist. His presidency largely failed to make
substantial gains in the quality of life for the war-torn Koreans. Rhee
employed authoritarian measures to maintain power. Once the North crossed
the 38th parallel in June 1950. Rhee ordered his army and police to murder
domestic political opponents, as many as 100,000 people are believed to
have been killed in what was named 'summer of terror'. The executions were
meant to send a message to stop the advancing Northern troops, but Rhee's
attention to trying to eliminate the political opponents almost lead to the
collapse of his country.
- Political
- America- Harry Truman decided participating in the Korean War would give him an
almost instant political opportunity back home in the U.S. Truman's decision to
commit American forces to battle earned him renewed support from the public. From
MacArthur's string of victories in Korea, Truman's approval ratings were raised by
more than 40% for the last time during his presidency. While the American soldiers
were fighting in Korea, Truman requested additional money for military spending, All
this money though was for the secret document/ plan- NSC-68. This was the plan to
make more nuclear bombs that were more powerful than the one dropped on
Hiroshima. The United States's military spending went from $13 billion in 1950 to $55
billion in 1952 and has never fully dropped back down to the budget of 1950.
- Ideology's
- North Korea's leader Kim lll-sung
ideology when first invading the South
was to unite the country. He wanted to
do this through making the entire
country communist. After being defeat in
the war he started, he started leading
the country with a new ideology. He
wanted them to live by
self-independence or Juche as it was
named shortly after.
- South Korea's ideology- Rhee
Syngman was a fanatic anti-
communist. even though he professed
faith in Christianity, he had more
Koreans killed than any other tyrants
in Korean history. He was behind the
Cheju 4.3 massacre, the Daejun
massacre, the Suwon massacre, the
blowing up of the Hangang bridge,
assassination of Kim Ku and Yo Woon
Yung and countless other Koreans.
- Social
- Many of the people of Korea were socially affected by the war. Numerous
were killed, wounded or went missing- totalling between three and four million
during three years of war. As many as 1 million civilians in the Northern part of
the country fled to the South ahead of the communists in the early days.
Because many of the people thought that the fighting was only to be
temporary and that they would be returning shortly, many left not only their
property but their heirlooms and close relatives behind. Many were never seen
again if the civilians did return. While others fled with both their immediate
and extended family, then found themselves stranded as parents were
captured on the way to the south, children were lost, stranded and in some
conditions starved to death. At one stage in the war the U.S soldiers killed
hundreds of North Korean families that had fled to the South, fearing that the
North Korean agents had infiltrated the fleeing families.
- Many of the Korean's who had decided to stay in Seoul
while it was being taken over by the communists had to
endure bombings overhead, but also the possibility that
they could be found by the communists and be killed.
- Cultural
- The Korean War affected the Korean's in both the North and the South
because many of their lives were turned upside down. Many families lost
members, houses, heirlooms and properties. People who decided to
stay in their homes had their property bombed, family members killed/lost,
while the people who fled to neighbouring territory also lost family members,
were captured, lost their homes/ heirlooms and children died from starvation
when their parents were captured.
- Movements
- A poster made from North Korea shows a
Korean woman, ripping an American flag in
half with the caption underneath that
translates to 'Let's throw out the US army
which is the cause of unhappiness and
- A poster made by the Korean's showing how the US army treated the
Korean's during the war and the pain they put them through. The poster
shows members of the US army torturing a Korean lady who's been tied to
a chair and the US army's pulling out her teeth one by one. From the look
drawn on the lady's face it shows how much pain she's in. The US army did
this to many refugees thinking they'd been infiltrated by the North's
government and were a threat to the South and the US army.
- Economical
- The US started with a budget of $13 billion for military
in 1950 and by 1952 the budget had been pushed up to
$55 billion. The budget was supposed to make weapons
for US's military team but ended up creating nuclear
weapons that were stronger than the one dropped on
- The Korean War cost the world a total
of $350 billion