Logical and computational Thinking


este es mi trabajo
Rodrigo Bobadilla
Mindmap von Rodrigo Bobadilla, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rodrigo Bobadilla
Erstellt von Rodrigo Bobadilla vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Logical and computational Thinking
  1. Computational thinking is the process to solve problems employing different techniques in a way that you can use the computer to solve the problem
    1. Different techniques to use:
      1. Abstractions the process of eliminating what is not necessary for find the solution
        1. Breaking Down: It refers to brake the problem into a smaller pieces, and then the smaller problems are solved maybe the bigger one can be solved too
          1. Simulation is another way to solve problems, with this technique we can simulate the result for a problem, before we try to do it
            1. Algorithm development consists on a number of steps that we can replicate to automate process
          2. Problem
            1. A problem is a situation that deserves actions togo from undesired to an appropriate state in the future
              1. The problems are applicable to different areas such as math,physics, sociology, psychology,
                1. Techniques to solve problems
                  1. Trial and error
                    1. Abstraction
                      1. Divide and conquer
                        1. Development of algorithms
                          1. Brainstorming
                          2. Problems Solving have 4 main stages
                            1. Collecting information: It is necessary to investigate as much as possible to understand the problem.
                              1. Solution creation:Use the most possible answers to have more chances to solve the problem.For this strategy you can use trial and error until the situation is solved.
                                1. Solution Implementation: It starts whit the decision making.
                                  1. Evaluation stage: Once the solution have been applied, you must be if the goals have been reached
                                2. Polya´s methodology
                                  1. Understand the problem: Know what are you trying, search information, describe the problem with your own words
                                    1. Define or design a plan: Examine the problem and see what technique can be used, try with chart,diagrams,equation, trial and error and find a sub-goal
                                      1. Carry out the plan: Implement the strategy that you deciden in the step 2.
                                        1. Look back: Check the results, look if your answer ir reasonable, determine if there are any other way to find another answer
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