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Old Testament
Old testament 3 eras
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Mindmap von
Ryan Quisling
, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von
Ryan Quisling
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Old Testament
1. Creation
God created the whole world in 7 days
First Day he created Light
He said that it was good.
The seventh day he rested.
First thing he said that wasn't good was being lonely.
God created Eve from Adam's rib.
2. The Fall
Adam and Eve lived in the garden of Eden.
Satan was a snake
Adam and Eve were allowed to eat from every tree except for one
This was the tree of knowledge
Satan tried to convince them both to eat from the tree.
Eve ate first and convinced Adam to also
7. King Saul
King Saul was the first King of Israel ever.
The people begged God for a king so he gave them Saul
He was annointed by Samuel
Saul was a very Military acting King.
Saul tried to kill David out of jelousy
Saul killed himself
8. King David
He was the 2nd king
Saul tried to kill him
David killed Goliath
David knew how to play the harp.
David trusted God very much
He had many brothers
9. King Solomon
King Solomon was the 3rd King
God offered him anything and he chose wisdom
He built the temple
He is known for his wisdom from a story of two mothers
He was the son of David
His wives turned his heart towards other gods.
4. Abraham
Abraham was first named Abram
Abraham was married to Sarah
They had a son named Isaac
God promised Abraham a nation with as many stars in the sky.
God told Abraham to sacrifice his son
Abraham was going to do it but God stopped him
6. Moses and The Exodus
Moses was floated down the Nile as a baby.
He grew up in Pharaoh's house.
God commands him to save Israel through a burning bush.
Moses brings his brother Aaron.
God sends 10 plagues to Egypt.
Pharaoh finally lets the Israelites go
3. Noah and the Flood
The whole world was bad
Everyone except for Noah.
God commanded Noah to build an Ark.
God told Noah to bring two of every animal on board.
The flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights.
God promised never to do this again by showing them a rainbow.
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