Foreign Language Acquisition and Learning


Mindmap am Foreign Language Acquisition and Learning, erstellt von Angie Estefanía Ruiz Cogollo am 30/08/2021.
Angie Estefanía Ruiz Cogollo
Mindmap von Angie Estefanía Ruiz Cogollo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Angie Estefanía Ruiz Cogollo
Erstellt von Angie Estefanía Ruiz Cogollo vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Foreign Language Acquisition and Learning
  1. Particularities and characteristics of the course:
    1. The is a methodological course (theoretical practical), which is part of the path of the practical component of Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages with an Emphasis in English in its phase of Participant observation, which, it is developed concerning a specific object of study, whose characteristic is the person who observes, collects the information in the natural environment of the object observed, thus becoming a participatory method of collecting data that involves interaction with the phenomena and/or events observed.
      1. Numbers of Hours
        1. This course is characterized by its close relationship with problems registered in the disciplinary fields and, of course, with the structure proposed by the NIPs that make up the center of the curriculum design of the program oriented towards the Core of the development of strengthening pedagogical knowledge.
        2. Number of phases the course has and what you need to do in each phase.
          1. The Learning Strategy is organized in 5 Phases:
            1. Phase 1: Recognition Activity: The activities are: Record a video where you make a brief introduction of the course, and you give the main information about the pedagogical practice and the forms you must use for the pedagogical practice.
              1. Phase 3: Participant - Observation Practice: The activities are: Identify the main characteristics of the theories related to foreign language acquisition.
                1. Phase 5: Final Activity: Demonstrate the capability to identify the correct learning style in a class based on the students’ needs.
                  1. Phase 4: Practical Component - Participant - Observation Practice: The activities are: Evaluate teaching strategies used within the classroom based on the student's learning characteristics
                    1. Phase 2: Participant - Observation Practice: Make a significant analysis of the factors involved in the acquisition and learning process of a foreign language learner.
                  2. Learning outcomes and how they are related to each phase of the course.
                    1. The learning outcomes are linked to the course activities and seek to strengthen students' skills for the teaching of a foreign language using appropriate methodologies, involving the use of ICT within the teaching process, and applying effective forms of evaluation.
                      1. Learning Outcome 1: Review the characteristics of the course and the particularities of the pedagogical and educational practice process.
                        1. Learning Outcome 2: Examine the factors that influence the process of foreign language acquisition and learning methodically and in detail within the pedagogical practice scenarios.
                          1. Learning Outcome 4: Evaluate teaching strategies used within the classroom based on the student's learning characteristics.
                            1. Learning Outcome 3: Compare the main theories on foreign language acquisition within the context of the pedagogical practice scenario.
                              1. Learning Outcome 5: Set up a proposal related to the new assessment approaches in the classroom environment.
                            2. Number of units the course has.
                              1. Unit 1: Foreign Language Acquisition, from the theory to the practice. In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:
                                1. - Fundamentals of foreign language acquisition and learning
                                  1. - Internal and external factors in the learning process, age, critical period, motivation, attitude, aptitude, psychosocial, economic, cultural aspects, among others.
                                    1. - Identify learning styles through class observation.
                                    2. Unit 2: Learning trends in Foreign Language In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:
                                      1. - Current trends and methodologies for teaching a foreign language.
                                        1. - How to involve the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process in the classroom.
                                          1. - New assessment approaches
                                        2. Chapter's of Acuerdo reglamento de Practicas Pedagógicas y Educativas and the articles it has.
                                              1. Referentes Normativos
                                                1. In Colombia, since the Political Constitution of Colombia (1991), laws, decrees and resolutions have been enacted by the Ministry of Education. National, with the aim of regulating the educational system in the country. In 2008, Law 1188 generated the reform of the quality criteria for higher education programs from the discussion on the Colombian Educational System, a document that guided reflection and analysis on teacher training.
                                                  1. Based on this discussion, Resolution 5443 of 2010 is formulated and Resolution 6966 of the same year modifies articles 3 and 6 of 5443 and emphasizes pedagogical practices as the articulating axis of teacher training defined in a minimum time. of one year in interaction with preschool, basic and secondary education and gives universities autonomy to establish the criteria of the pedagogical practices of teachers in training.
                                                    1. Then, over the years, changes continue to be made to various decrees in which regulations, parameters and conditions are established around obtaining the qualified registration. With this regulation, educational and pedagogical practice and research are strengthened as fundamental axes in the training of graduates and become the guiding thread of the training process in such a way that its complexity increases exponentially as the student progresses in his or her degree. In this panorama, educational and pedagogical practice is recognized as a formative process that involves the mastery of knowledge and allows the development of skills to respond to the competencies of teaching, training and evaluation and makes research an articulating axis for strengthening the exercise. teacher.
                                                    2. Principles of Action
                                                      1. 1. Integrality of teaching pedagogical practice. The teacher in training will be representing the UNAD at the time of the internship, which is why behavior is expected to meet the expectations that the academic community has set in their practical exercise
                                                        1. 2. Dialogicity between educational actors. The teacher in training will favor assertive, purposeful, and respectful dialogue when there are discrepancies with a member of the educational community where he carries out his practice.
                                                          1. 3. Promotion of protective environments for children and adolescents. The practitioners will promote in their practice’s scenarios free of all types of discrimination and situations that pose a physical or moral risk to children and adolescents.
                                                            1. 4. Respect for differences. The practitioner will adapt their didactic strategies, resources and mediations, observing the different levels of training, abilities and expectations of people. He will base his practices on a constant dialogue with all the people involved to improve and make his practices relevant.
                                                              1. 5. Excellence in service. The practitioner must be aware of the enormous responsibility that teaching includes, for this reason the teacher in training is expected to be an example of work, dedication, and respect for the profession.
                                                              2. Degree Programs in ECEDU
                                                                1. Definitions
                                                                  1. Practical component: It is part of the curricular construction of the programs of the Higher Education System and groups pedagogical and didactic strategies, planned and organized, as an integrating scenario of knowledge and doing in multiple contexts, from reflection, conceptualization, research and experimentation, in physical, remote spaces or mediated by information technologies, for the development of autonomous, meaningful and collaborative learning, with the purpose of acquiring, generating and strengthening disciplinary and professional competences in the student.
                                                                    1. Pedagogical and educational practice PPE: It is a comprehensive training curricular space provided for the staging of the skills developed by the future teacher in their training process as an education professional. It is understood as a social, cultural, and academic practice aimed at creating favorable conditions to promote new relationships between the educator and its context.
                                                                      1. Specific regulation of pedagogical and educational practice PPE: Set of norms and guidelines stipulated by each school or program, which regulate and define the conditions and activities necessary for the exercise of the practical component in the different scenarios established for its development.
                                                                        1. Nature of offer of the practical component courses: The training route of the PPE of the degrees in the School of Education Sciences are made up of practical courses and methodological courses.
                                                                          1. 1. Methodological course. It emphasizes the theory-practice relationship for the pedagogical and didactic development in processes, procedures, techniques, methods, and methodologies necessary for the understanding, transfer, and research in Knowledge of a disciplinary or professional field in context.
                                                                            1. 2. Practical course. Emphasizes knowing how to act through learning lying; by its nature, favors the mobilization of theories, concepts and procedures in simulated or physical
                                                                            2. Teacher in training is a Person who is formally enrolled in an academic undergraduate program at UNAD, carrying out, in a processual and planned manner, academic and training activities with the purpose of acquiring the competencies, quality standards and learning results of the exercise and the teaching profession.
                                                                              1. Ruta de Practica pedagógica y Educativa for your program.
                                                                                1. Seminario de Pre-practica It is an ECEDU strategy that seeks reflection and understanding of the process of pedagogical and educational practices by the teacher in training and administrative enlistment, so that the student has the optimal conditions for the development of their PPE in the period or periods respective academics.
                                                                                  1. ESAPEC In order to respond to the quality criteria required by pedagogical and educational practice, ECEDU defines the "Strategy for face-to-face accompaniment of the ESAPEC School of Educational Sciences" which consists of a certain number of synchronous accompaniments to groups of practicing students, in interaction of the ECEDU practice accompaniment teachers of each course, as established by the pedagogical and didactic criteria of each course and in correspondence with the number of contact hours in the practice scenario.
                                                                                    1. Simulador The ECEDU from the training route of pedagogical and educational practices, links in the development of the pedagogical and educational practices courses the Pedagogical Practices Simulator as an academic tool that allows the students of the Degrees, to propose and carry out simulated pedagogical and didactic practices , leveraged in problem situations, to strengthen competencies typical of graduate training, which can then be applied in their field practices in different learning environments.
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