Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Old Testament
- Creation
- Day 1
- Creation of day and night.
- Day 2
- Creation of the sky
- Day 3
- Land
- Seas
- Trees and plants
- Day 4
- Sun
- Moon
- Stars
- Day 5
- First creatures of the water
- Birds
- Day 6
- Animal
- Humans (Adam,Eve)
- Day 7
- God had finished
- Rested the 7th day,
blessing it and making
it holy
- The Exodus
- Moses and the Israelites
are slaves in Egypt.
- God calls Moses with a burning bush
telling him to release his people from
- Moses confronts Pharaoh telling him "let my people go"
- God brought down a plague every time Pharaoh said no until he let the IIsraelites
- Pharaoh lets the Isrealites go
- Pharaoh changes his mind and comes after the isrealites
- Moses splits the sea
- The Egyptian army follows and is killed by the sea
- Plagues
- 1st blood into water
- 2nd frogs
- 3rd gnats or lice
- 4th flies
- 5th livestock diseased
- 6th boils
- 7th hail
- 8th locust
- 9th darkness
- 10th death to the first born
- 1450-1410 B.C
- Judges
- Mt. Sinai
- Israeites are traveling through the desert
- Israelites arrive and
camp at the base of
- God calls Moses up to
the top of Mt.Sinai
- God talks to Moses on top
of Mt.Sinai and gives him
the ten commandments
- The Israelites become impatien and build a
gold calf so they can "worship"
- When Moses comes down from Mt. Sini and sees the
gold calf he destroys it with fire
- God tells Moses to chisel two new
- Moses destroys the two stone tablets
- Commandments
- #1 You shall have no other gods before Me.
- #2 You shall not make idols.
- #3 You shall not take the name of
the LORD your God in vain.
- #4 Remember the
Sabbath day, to
keep it holy.
- #5 Honor
father and
- #6 You shall not
- #7 You shall not
commit adultery.
- #8 You shall not steal.
- #9 You shall not bear
false witness against
your neighbor
- #10 You shall not covet.
- The Flood
- God could see the great wickedness of
humanity and decides to wipe mankind from
the face of the earth
- It rains for 40 days and 40 nights
- Every living thing is wiped out from the Flood
- 150 days for the earth to dry out
- Noah (the only righteous man on earth)
- Noah is told to build an ark from god
- Noah obeys everything God told him to do
- After 150 days the ark rest on the mountains of Ararat
- Noah and his family waited 8 mouths for the earth to dry
- Noah is invited to leave the ark
- Noah builds and alter and offers burnt offerings
- God set a rainbow in the clouds to show he will never destroy the earth again
- 2 of every animal
- Every kind of food to be stored for the animals
- Post-Exile
- After 70 years of exile
- Persians defeat the Babyloian empire
- The Jews could return to there home land a rebuild there temples
- Exile
- Assyrians attack in 722 B.C
- Israel is destroyed
- Jews turn a monotheistic belife from the
devastation of the Babylonians
- Survivors become the
- 70 years of exile