Authentic Assessment of EBs


Mindmap am Authentic Assessment of EBs, erstellt von Octavia Evans am 05/09/2021.
Octavia Evans
Mindmap von Octavia Evans, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Octavia Evans
Erstellt von Octavia Evans vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Authentic Assessment of EBs
  1. WHAT?
    1. Students perform a task
      1. Tasks replicate real world challenges


        • Let’s Play House (Pre-K Scenario Card Example) The students are presented with the following scenario and then assessed on weekly standard. For example: oral language use, engaging in sociodramatic play, etc. The teacher will show the housekeeping area. In this area, you can pretend that this is where you live. Your friends can be your family members or visitors. Maybe you will cook something, clean your house, or play a game.
      2. Rubric is provided
        1. Direct evidence is provided
          1. Acquisition or knowledge of a concept or skill is displayed by completing real word task
            1. Basic recall
              1. Curriculum drives assessment
                1. Initial Assessments
                  1. There is no mandate from the Federal Government specifying a process to initially identify EBs
                2. HIGH STAKES ASSESSMENT
                  1. This type of assessment requires 95% participation by school population and mandated by the state
                    1. Goal: Make the assessment culturally responsive


                      • Culturally Responsive Questions to Consider: 1. Do the testing materials show bias that relates to ethnicity, sex, culture, religion, class, or processes? 2. Have members of different cultural groups been represented? 3.Are members of different cultural groups positively portrayed?
                      1. Standardized
                      2. INFORMAL ASSESSMENT
                        1. This type of assessment also provides continuous feedback for teacher and student
                          1. Can target a specific area of need
                            1. Role playing
                              1. Retelling stories
                              2. ONGOING ASSESSMENT
                                1. This type of assessment provides continuous feedback to the teacher and student
                                  1. Student portfolio
                                    1. Graphic organizers
                                    2. HOW?
                                      1. 1. Review standards
                                        1. 2. Select authentic tasks


                                          • The language of assessment should be the language of instruction
                                          1. 3. Develop criteria
                                            1. 4. Create rubric
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