Base-creating word formation


Idiomas Mindmap am Base-creating word formation, erstellt von Wendy Borjas am 08/09/2021.
Wendy Borjas
Mindmap von Wendy Borjas, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Wendy Borjas
Erstellt von Wendy Borjas vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Base-creating word formation
  1. Coining
    1. New/trade names
      1. Ex: Nylon
      2. Lexical isolates
        1. Nonce words
          1. 1) facetious puns = workaholic
            1. 2)momentary lexical gap fillers =cyberphopic
              1. 3) retorical anomalies = unsad
              2. Bonce-formations
                1. new lexical items proposed for a technical status within a specialized domain.
              3. Assimilated coinages
                1. 1) associations of letters randomly arranged
                  1. ex. Kodak
                  2. 2) reinvention of already exixting word with new meaning
                    1. ex. doddered
                    2. 3) associations of bound and unbound morphemes
                      1. ex. papilionaceous ( latin/greek)
                  3. Eponymization
                    1. converion of personal names into common words
                      1. ex. Parkinson syndrome
                      2. One form
                        1. transformation of a personal name to a common noun
                          1. ex. Newton
                          2. derivative
                            1. ex. kilo-watts
                            2. juxtapositions
                              1. ex.. galvanoscope, saintpaulia, ampermeter, gal, tawdry
                            3. multi-word
                              1. possessive constructions
                                1. ex. Adam's apple
                                2. binomials
                                  1. Ex. Judas kiss
                                  2. binominals
                                    1. ex.Adam and Eve
                                    2. syntagms
                                      1. ex. As old as methuselah
                                      2. hybrid constructions
                                        1. ex. the FGLM algorithm
                                        2. epynoms within eponyms
                                          1. ex. the Brauer group of Enriques surface
                                          2. eponymic idioms
                                        3. Toponyms
                                          1. a place name, the geographical place itself, they pay homage to national heros
                                            1. connnected to sports
                                              1. ex. derby
                                              2. foods, cooking related
                                                1. ex. DIjon mustard
                                                2. names of drinks
                                                  1. ex. cognac
                                                  2. name of dances
                                                    1. ex. polca
                                                    2. name of colours
                                                      1. ex. magenta
                                                      2. fabrics
                                                        1. ex. jersey
                                                        2. chemical elements
                                                          1. ex. polonium
                                                          2. diseases
                                                            1. ex. Stockholm syndrome
                                                            2. hand-made products
                                                              1. ex. Sisal fiber
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