Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Base-creating word
- Coining
- New/trade names
- Ex: Nylon
- Lexical isolates
- Nonce words
- 1) facetious puns = workaholic
- 2)momentary lexical gap fillers =cyberphopic
- 3) retorical anomalies = unsad
- Bonce-formations
- new lexical items proposed for a
technical status within a specialized
- Assimilated coinages
- 1) associations of letters
randomly arranged
- ex. Kodak
- 2) reinvention of already
exixting word with new
- ex. doddered
- 3) associations of bound
and unbound
- ex. papilionaceous ( latin/greek)
- Eponymization
- converion of personal names into common words
- ex. Parkinson syndrome
- One form
- transformation of a personal
name to a common noun
- ex. Newton
- derivative
- ex. kilo-watts
- juxtapositions
- ex.. galvanoscope,
ampermeter, gal,
- multi-word
- possessive constructions
- ex. Adam's apple
- binomials
- Ex. Judas kiss
- binominals
- ex.Adam and Eve
- syntagms
- ex. As old as methuselah
- hybrid constructions
- ex. the FGLM algorithm
- epynoms within eponyms
- ex. the Brauer group of Enriques
- eponymic idioms
- Toponyms
- a place name, the geographical place itself, they pay homage to national heros
- connnected to sports
- ex. derby
- foods, cooking related
- ex. DIjon mustard
- names of drinks
- ex. cognac
- name of dances
- ex. polca
- name of colours
- ex. magenta
- fabrics
- ex. jersey
- chemical elements
- ex. polonium
- diseases
- ex. Stockholm syndrome
- hand-made products
- ex. Sisal fiber