

Botany (Exam 1) Mindmap am Tissues, erstellt von Olivia Leemon am 15/09/2021.
Olivia Leemon
Mindmap von Olivia Leemon, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Olivia Leemon
Erstellt von Olivia Leemon vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. group of cells with the same function
    1. Meristematic Tissues
      1. can produce missing parts
        1. new tissue producing cells are initials
          1. produced cells are derivatives
            1. totipotent- can make anythimg
              1. pleuripotent- can only make some parts
                1. Primary Meristems
                  1. upright & elongation of plants
                    1. Apical (top)
                      1. procambium-plumbing
                        1. protoderm- produce epidermis
                          1. ground meri- stuffing
                      2. Basal (bottom)
                        1. grasses due to grazing and fire adaptations
                          1. meristem
                      3. Secondary Meristems
                        1. grow wideways, woody plants
                          1. simple types- 1 cell type, but 3 options
                            1. Parenchyma
                              1. most abundant & change career paths!
                                1. thin walls
                                  1. big central vacuole
                                2. Collenchyma
                                  1. flexible support, elongation. can't change jobs
                                    1. thicker cell walls
                                    2. Sclerenchyma
                                      1. may be in the form of fibers, ususlly dead at maturity
                                        1. thick secondary walls
                                      2. complex types- more than 1 type
                                        1. Xylem; water movement through plant
                                          1. dead at maturity
                                            1. Tracheids
                                              1. Vessel elements
                                              2. Phloem; food/solids through plant
                                                1. alive asf
                                                  1. xylem ex.
                                                    1. phloem
                                                      1. lil companions
                                                2. Epidermis
                                                  1. one cell layer thick
                                                    1. keep water in, keep pathogens out
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