Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Jobs und Karierre
- I would put this bookmark to the of the page in the main menu line. Now it is too hidden and the jobseekers have to scroll out to the bottom of the HP, which is annoying.
- Pupils and schoolleavers
- Ausbildungsberufe (I didn't find any right translation)
- Businessman in wholesale
- Shop assistant
- Specialist for systemgastronomie
- Logistic specialist
- Businessman in wholesale and foreign trade
- Office manager
- Azubi‘s experiences
- So bewerben Sie sich
- Dual studium
- School internship
- Application process
- Jobsearch
- HP metro.de
- Students and graduates
- Trainee programm
- Bachelor/Master thesis
- Direct start after the university
- Internship
- Jobsearch
- Proffesionals
- Gastronomy
- Heas of the market
- Jobs in markets
- Customer manager
- Category manager
- Other jobs
- Jobsearch
- About METRO
- Our customers
- Together succesfull
- Locations
- Range of products
- Business philosophy
- Career growth
- Awards
- METRO backstage
- Karierre
- Markets life
- Young workers at METRO
- New vacancies
- Next job events
- Worker‘s experiences
- The orange path could be the typical user journey. That's why I separated the JOB SEARCH bookmark from the other sections. But of course I still left it also in the each relevant section.