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The Origins of Language
Mindmap am The Origins of Language, erstellt von Dario Vasquez am 21/09/2021.
Mindmap von
Dario Vasquez
, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von
Dario Vasquez
vor mehr als 3 Jahre
Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Origins of Language
The mama theory
Language began with the easist syllabes attached to the most significant objects.
The ta-ta theory
Richard Paget
Body movements preceded language.
Unconscious vocal imitation of movements.
The bow-wow theory
Imitations of natural sounds.
Onomatopeia or echoism.
The pooh-pooh theory
Language began with interjections.
Oh!, ouch!, wow.
The ding-dong theory
Max Muller
Correspondence between sounds and meanings.
Small, sharp and high things.
High, front vowels.
Big, round and low things.
Round, back vowels.
The yo-he-ho theory
Language began as rythmic chants.
Asssitance or cooperation accompanied by appropiate gestures.
The sing-song theory
Language comes out of play, laughter, cooing and courtship.
Some first words were long and musical.
The hey you! theory
The contact theory.
Sounds to signal identity and belonging.
The hocus pocus theory
It has roots in magical and religious aspect of our ancestors' lives.
The animals sounds become in their names.
The eureka! theory
Language was consciously invented.
Ancestor assigned arbitrary sounds to mean certain things.
Water babies
Hardy-Morgan Hypothesis
Humans have different characteristics versus to the primates.
Homo must have spent some portion of live in water bodies.
It allowed the strength and coordination.
Musical babies
Mario Vaneechoutte
Music is innate.
We are born ready to make music and so speech.
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