Language Frameworks 1


A Level English Language AS Mindmap am Language Frameworks 1, erstellt von alexandramulhall am 06/11/2013.
Mindmap von alexandramulhall, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von alexandramulhall vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Language Frameworks 1
  1. Lexis
    1. The vocabulary of the language
      1. Affixation
        1. Attaching a prefix or suffix to a word
        2. Conversion
          1. When a word changes its class
          2. Compound Word
            1. Putting two words together to make a brand new word
            2. Colloquialism
              1. Slang
              2. Abbreviation
                1. Shortening a word
            3. Semantics
              1. The meaning created with words and phrases
                1. Similes
                  1. Comparisons using 'like' or 'as'
                    1. 'As sharp as razors'
                  2. Metaphors
                    1. Comparisons that don't use 'like' or 'as'
                      1. Describe something as if it actually is something else
                        1. 'He is a pig'
                      2. Personification
                        1. A type of metaphor
                          1. Gives an object or situation human qualities
                            1. 'The wind whistled'
                          2. Metonymy
                            1. Using a part of something to describe the whole thing
                              1. 'The Crown' instead of the Monarchy
                            2. Oxymoron
                              1. Brings two conflicting ideas together
                                1. 'Bittersweet'
                          3. Pragmatics
                            1. How social aspects affect people's language choices
                              1. Prosody
                                1. Pitch
                                  1. Volume
                                    1. Pace
                                      1. Pauses
                                        1. Intonation (tone)
                                          1. Stress
                                            1. Rythm
                                            2. Politeness Strategies
                                              1. Definite with a negative word
                                                1. No/No way/Not a chance
                                                2. Definite without a negative word
                                                  1. Are you serious?/I'd rather die
                                                  2. Excuse
                                                    1. I'd love to but...
                                                    2. Evasive
                                                      1. Can we talk about this later?
                                                      2. Apologetic
                                                        1. Sorry.../I'm afraid...
                                                        2. Inarticulate
                                                          1. Umm/Erm
                                                    3. Phonology
                                                      1. The study of sounds in language
                                                        1. Phonetics
                                                          1. The study of how speech sounds are made and recieved
                                                          2. Phonology
                                                            1. The study of the sound systems of languages and patterns of sounds
                                                            2. Phonemes
                                                              1. The smallest unit of sound
                                                                1. Combinations of these phonemes make up all the possible words and sounds in our language
                                                                2. Vowel Sounds
                                                                  1. A,E,I,O,U
                                                                  2. Consonant Sounds
                                                                    1. B,C,D,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,X,Y,Z
                                                                    2. Syllables
                                                                      1. A word's individual units of pronunciation
                                                                        1. Polysyllabic words have more than one syllable
                                                                          1. Monosyllabic words have one syllable
                                                                      2. Ellision
                                                                        1. When sounds are left out
                                                                          1. Library >> 'Libry'
                                                                        2. Assimilation
                                                                          1. When sounds that are next to each other become more alike
                                                                            1. Handbag >> 'Hambag'
                                                                          2. Liaison
                                                                            1. When a sound is inserted between words or syllables to help them run more smoothly
                                                                            2. Phonological Frameworks
                                                                              1. Rhythm
                                                                                1. Rhyme
                                                                                  1. Alliteration
                                                                                    1. Assonance
                                                                                      1. Onomatopoeia
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