Collaborative Learning


Mindmap am Collaborative Learning, erstellt von TANIA VERONICA GONZALEZ GUERRA am 23/09/2021.
Mindmap von TANIA VERONICA GONZALEZ GUERRA, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von TANIA VERONICA GONZALEZ GUERRA vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Collaborative Learning
  1. It is an instructutional strategy where small teams of students (2-6 members) work together to maximize their individual and collective learning.
    1. Positive interdependence
      1. Tasks and goals are clearly defined and commitment is made to both, personal as well as group success.
        1. Efforts of each team member benefits the individuals as well as the group.
        2. Individual and group accountability
          1. Each team member must contribute to the group.
            1. Each team member must help the group reach its goals.
            2. Interpersonal and small-group skills
              1. Each team member must:
                1. + Be able to manage conflicts. + Provide effective leadership. + Be able to make decisions. + Be able to build trust. + Be able to communicate. + Be motivated.
              2. Face to face promotive interaction
                1. Students teach each other. Explain how to solve problems. Checks for one another´s understanding. Promote one another´s success.
                2. Group processing (Reflexion)
                  1. Students :
                    1. *Communicate openly feely , respectfully discussing their concerns.
                      1. * Describe what members actions are helpful and unhelpful.
                        1. * Make decisions about behavior to continue, to change, or discontinue.
                    2. + Focus is on indiviaul performance with help of others.
                      1. Essentials of effective cooperative learning groups
                        1. Communication
                          1. Trust
                            1. Particiption
                            2. + Commitent to own and other´s sucess.
                              1. + Positive effect on mental health of slow learners.
                                1. + Goal is mutual learning not only winning.
                                  1. + Teacher as facilitator or helper.
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