Presidencial Candidates


Trabajo Ingles.
Mindmap von fjmejia100, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von fjmejia100 vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Presidencial Candidates
  1. Manuel Baldizon
    1. LIDER
      1. His phrase:" Every leader is criticized first , then analyzed and eventually imitated. "
        1. They have the first place in the poll.
    2. Roberto Gonzalez
      1. CREO-Unionista
        1. They have the sixt palce in the poll.
          1. His phrase:It is defined as a parent , professional and technocratic
      2. Jimmy Morales
        1. FCN Nacion
          1. They have the third place in the poll.
            1. His phrase:neither corrupt nor thief
        2. Zury Rios
          1. VIVA
            1. She has the fourth place in the poll.
              1. His phrase:A citizens' government in power.
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