Gerund & Infinitive Uses


Mindmap am Gerund & Infinitive Uses, erstellt von alex.hernandez am 07/11/2013.
Mindmap von alex.hernandez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von alex.hernandez vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Gerund & Infinitive Uses
  1. Gerunds
    1. Types
      1. As subject
        1. Example
          1. Traveling might satisfy your desire for new experiences. (Traveling is the gerund.)
        2. As a direct object
          1. Example
            1. They do not appreciate my singing. (The gerund is singing.)
          2. As a subject complement
            1. Example
              1. My cat's favorite activity is sleeping. (The gerund is sleeping.)


            2. As object of preposition
              1. Example
                1. The police arrested him for speeding. (The gerund is speeding.)
            3. How to form it
              1. Verb + ing
            4. Infinitive
              1. How to form it
                1. To + verb
                2. The infinitive phrase functions as the direct object of the verb intended.
                  1. We intended to leave early.
                    1. to leave (infinitive)
                      1. early (adverb)
                    2. The infinitive phrase functions as an adjective modifying paper.
                      1. I have a paper to write before class.
                        1. to write (infinitive)
                          1. before class (prepositional phrase as adverb)
                        2. The infinitive phrase functions as the direct object of the verb agreed
                          1. Phil agreed to give me a ride.
                            1. to give (infinitive)
                              1. me (indirect object of action expressed in infinitive)
                                1. a ride (direct object of action expressed in infinitive)
                              2. The infinitive phrase functions as the direct object of the verb asked.
                                1. They asked me to bring some food.
                                  1. me (actor or "subject" of infinitive phrase)
                                    1. to bring (infinitive)
                                      1. some food (direct object of action expressed in infinitive)
                                    2. The infinitive phrase functions as the direct object of the verb wanted
                                      1. Everyone wanted Carol to be the captain of the team
                                        1. Carol (actor or "subject" of infinitive phrase)
                                          1. to be (infinitive)
                                            1. the captain (subject complement for Carol, via state of being expressed in infinitive)
                                              1. of the team (prepositional phrase as adjective)
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