Connective tissue


connective tissueee
Chutikan Srisang
Mindmap von Chutikan Srisang, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Chutikan Srisang
Erstellt von Chutikan Srisang vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Connective tissue
  1. Embryonic CNT
    1. Mesenchyme
      1. **no fibers
        1. mesenchymal cells + ground substance
        2. Gelatinous (mucous) CNT
          1. fibroblast + collagen fibers
            1. พบที่ hypodermis &umbilical cord
          2. Adult CNT
            1. Contain
              1. Cells
                1. Extra Cellular Matrix
                  1. Fibers
                    1. Collagen Fiber
                      1. stretched for 5%
                        1. PINK with H&E
                          1. digest by collagenase, trypsin, pepsin
                            1. type I - XVIII, I-IV are most common
                              1. Boiled >> Gelatin
                              2. Reticular fiber
                                1. type III Collagen
                                  1. BLACK with Silver staining
                                  2. Elastic Fiber
                                    1. LIGHT PINK with H&E
                                      1. Consist of fibrillin&elastin
                                        1. Resistant to boiling,acids,alkalis
                                          1. Digested by enzyme elastase
                                        2. Ground Substance
                                          1. Glycoprotiens
                                            1. (more protien less carb[oligosacharide]
                                            2. Proteoglycans (สร้างโดย Fibroblast)
                                              1. more carb[glycosaminoglycan(GAGs)] less protien
                                                1. GAGs
                                                  1. **Hyaluronan
                                                    1. Chondroitin sulfate & dermatin sulfate
                                                      1. Heparan sulfate & heparin
                                                        1. Keratan sulfate
                                              2. Loose CNT
                                                1. Fixed cells
                                                  1. Fibroblast
                                                    1. Pericyte (perivascular cell)
                                                    2. Free cells
                                                      1. Macrophage
                                                        1. Multinucleated giant cell
                                                          1. protective role
                                                          2. Mast cell
                                                            1. metachromatic granules
                                                              1. รองเท้าแตะ
                                                              2. Plasma cell
                                                                1. cartwheel
                                                                  1. halo area
                                                                  2. Melanocyte
                                                                    1. WBC
                                                                  3. Dense CNT
                                                                    1. irregular
                                                                      1. collagen fiber
                                                                        1. found in
                                                                          1. organ's capsule
                                                                            1. fasciae
                                                                              1. aponeuroses
                                                                                1. joint capsule
                                                                                  1. pericardium
                                                                                    1. dermis
                                                                                  2. regular
                                                                                    1. collagen tendons & ligaments
                                                                                      1. joint
                                                                                      2. Elastic ligaments
                                                                                        1. Nuchal ligament (Trichrome stain)
                                                                                          1. Elastic fiber
                                                                                            1. Collagen fiber
                                                                                              1. Nucleus
                                                                                        2. Reticular CNT
                                                                                          1. Reticular cells (fibroblast) & reticular fiber
                                                                                            1. framework in
                                                                                              1. lymph organs
                                                                                                1. lymphatic nodules
                                                                                                  1. bone marrow
                                                                                                  2. BLACK with Silver stain
                                                                                                  3. Adipose tissue (fat)
                                                                                                    1. Brown
                                                                                                      1. multilocular
                                                                                                        1. round, centric nucleus
                                                                                                        2. White (Bad)
                                                                                                          1. flat, eccentric nucleus
                                                                                                            1. unilocullar
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