Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Adjective Comparative
- Comparativos
- When we compare two persons, place, or things, we use the comparative form.,
- Adjective Comparative
Old Older (than)
- Short Comparative Adjectives
- Adjectives with one syllabe, Cold, añade -er Colder
- Adjectives finished in -y, Happy, cambia la "y" por "i" y añade -er Happier
- Adjectives finished in -e, Nice, añade -r Nicer
- Adjectives finished in vowel and consonant, big, la consonante se pone doble Bigger
- Adjectives describes nouns. An adjective is a word that tells more about a person, ananimal, a place
or a thing. An adjective may appear before a noun or after a linking verb.