Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Psychology Mind Map
- Personality
- psychoanalysis theories
- Freud
- conscious, preconscious and unconscious
- Defence mechanisms
- psychosexual development
- oral stage
- anal stage
- phallic stage
- latency stage
- genital stage
- humanistic theories
- Maslow
- hierarchy of needs
- physiological needs
- safety needs
- belonging and love needs
- esteem needs
- understanding
- Aesthetic
- Self actualisation
- transcendence
- peak experiences
- Learning
- Classical conditioning
- learning by association
- unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned response
- Operant conditioning
- learning through experience rewards or punishment
- positive reinforcement
- punishment
- negative reinforcement
- stimulus discrimination and generalisation
- learned helplessness
- learning through observation
- Social Cognition
- Attitudes
- ABC model
- affective
- behavioural
- cognitive
- 4 functions of attitudes
- Instrumental
- Ego defensive
- value expressive
- Knowledge
- behaviour
- Persuasion
- Central route
- audience analyse information
- most effective
- peripheral route
- requires little to no thinking
- Altered States
- circadian rhythms
- sleep wake cycle
- sleep needs
- stages of sleep
- awake
- stage 1
- stage 2
- stage 3
- stage 4
- REM stage