Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Second Language Acquisition Theories
- Stephen Krashen
- We all acquire language the same way
- Right way for language acquistiton
- Acquiring language by understanding the messages
- Understanding what they said not how they said it
- Visual ques
- Transfer knowledge from previous understanding
- "Talking is not practicing"
- Wrong way for language acquisition
- Repeat after me
- Write some lines
- Repaeating the new language LOUDER
- Pick and plug words in a sentence
- Jim Cummins
- Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
- Basic Skills
- Listening
- Speaking
- Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency
- Proficiency must be there prior to transfer into a second language
- Noam Chomsky
- Universal Grammer
- Each Language may have its own
unique features.
- But....
- Every language shares the same basic themes
- Nouns
- Adjectives
- Verbs
- R.C Anderson
- Adaptive Control of Thought
- Declarative Knowledge
- Schemas
- Stored in long term
- Images
- Stored in long term
- Procedural Knowledge
- Long Process in which humans acquire
knowledge to do an activity.
- B.F. Skinner
- Behavioralism
- Stimulus, Responce, and Reinforcement
- Alot of Repetition
- Positive and Negative Reinforcement to pick up grammatical patterns and
thus acquire the second language
- Sources:
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bH2TtEHL20
- http://vimeo.com/56112120
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAlg77Re0Y0
- http://www.sil.org/sites/default/files/files/theories_and_research_of_second_language_acquisition.pdf