Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- One thing about me is that I like Dragons like this one here
- It really doesn't matter what type of dragon it is because I like them all
- I have two dogs that I love with all my heart
- One of them is named Cappie, he's pretty old about 10 or 11 years old
- Cappie is pretty mellow and relaxed because of his age but he has his moments that make it seem like he is a
puppy again
- My other dogs name is Evan,he is only 3 but he is my giant suck
- Evan follows me everywhere I go no matter where it is
- Evan also sleeps in my bed with me and snuggles up close
- I am normally am relaxed and I don't do much exercise
- My normal activities are basically reading and video games
- When I actually do exercise it's normally on exercise machines
- I find school fairly easy so I normally just relax and do my work with music