Skills of Effective Citizens


Stuart Susalla
Mindmap von Stuart Susalla, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Stuart Susalla
Erstellt von Stuart Susalla vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Skills of Effective Citizens
  1. History
    1. Analyze past battles.
      1. Organize causes of events from B.C.
        1. Radio-carbon date the age
    2. Economoics
      1. Design and sell auto parts.
        1. Work in a diamond mine in Sierra Leone.
          1. Know the Bill of Right.
            1. Capitian a ship across the Atlantic.
              1. Run forcity council.
                1. Make a household budget
                  1. Particapate in a formal dibate with factual evidence.
      2. Civics
        1. Go to a political rally.
          1. Be a police officer
            1. Identify different types of governments.
              1. Gather evidence to choose a position about an issue.
                1. Contact your representative to solve.
        2. Geography
          1. Use a map scale to figure out how far away cities are.
            1. Use data to predict population density for your city in 20 years.
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