Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Genes and Chromosones
- Genes are a set of microorganisms which forms part of a chromosone
- Us humans produce sperm and eggs. In each egg or sperm there are 23 pairs of chromosomes.
- There can be different amounts of genes per chromosome, and it mainly depends on the size of the chromosome.
- Basic defenition : short sections of DNA
- The DNA then contains a code/ instructions as to how to create a newborn animal
- Some of the DNA features (e.g. small ears) can be passed on to the newborn animal
- Some DNA is carried from father to baby, some from mother to baby or are based on enviromental facors
- There are two types of genes, DOMINANT and RECESSIVE
- Dominant is a type of gene which is more powerful
- Reccesive is a type of gene which is less powerful
- e.g mum = big eyes (dominant), dad = small eyes (recessive). Child will have big eyes
- A chromosome is a set of DNA carrying genetic information from a male and female animal
- 'XY' chromosone = male
- 'XX' chromosone = female
- The make up of chromosomes and genes
- The writing in the gene in the picture is the basic code. It is made up of 4 letters, A C G T
- They stand for the nucleotides in DNA
- adenine
- cytosine
- guanine
- thymine
- Chromosomes are basically long strands of DNA which form up the codes to making a new animal
- They are mainly made of proteins
- 23 chromosomes from the egg meet with 23 chromosomes from the sperm
- The genes then compare qualities
- Physical traits are then incorporated into the newborn
- Pairs of chromosomes in animals
- Human :23 pairs
- Fruit Fly :4 pairs
- Rice plant :12 pairs
- Dog :39 pairs
- Selective breeding is when genes and chromosomes are extracted from an animal and replaced with another animal's gene or chromosome
- This is usually to stop or help an animal in a characteristic or feature
- Examples
- e.g. a chicken has had some of its genes replaced to make it shyer and have smaller wings so they
don't fly away
- e.g. wheat is bred to have qualities such as it is easier to fertilise them and so they are less likely to catch a disease
- Side Effects
- Good Effects
- More food
- Better produce
- Colour
- Taste
- Bad Effects
- If a new disease comes along regarding an animal which has had genes extracted, the other animal will have the disease too
- e.g. if chicken has a new disease and chicken genes have been inputted into a horse, the horse could have the dsease too
- Health is mainly disregarded in selective breeding
- Some people think that it is ethically wrong to do so