the molecules of life


Mindmap am the molecules of life, erstellt von Salma Saleem am 14/09/2015.
Salma Saleem
Mindmap von Salma Saleem, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Salma Saleem
Erstellt von Salma Saleem vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

the molecules of life
  1. macromolecules
    1. lipids
      1. carbohydrates
        1. works as fuel and building materials
          1. monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrates
            1. it multiple of CH2O known as glucose
              1. 1. two monomers bond by covalent bond called glycosidic lnkage called disaccharides
                1. most known as sucrose or table sugar (glucose +fructose)
                2. 2. more than two known as polysaccharides
                  1. 2. structural polysaccharides
                    1. 1. cellulose is a tough wall plant cell
                      1. cellulose is differ from starch by its glycosidic linkage
                        1. based on two rings
                          1. alpha
                            1. starch (a) is largely halical
                              1. enzymes that digest starch by hydrolyzing (a) linkage cant hydrolyze (b) in cellulose
                                1. these cellulose pass through humon digestive track called insoluble fiber
                            2. beta
                              1. cellulose (b) is straight and unbrunched
                                1. some microbes use enzymes to digest cellulose
                                  1. many herbivores from cow to termites have symbiotic relationship with these microbes
                        2. 2.chitin
                          1. found in exoskeleton of arthropods
                            1. provide structural support for the fungi cell wall
                          2. 1. storage of polysaccharides
                            1. 1. starch storage polysaccharides in plants
                              1. simplest form called amylose
                              2. 2. glycogen a storage polysaccharides in animals
                                1. storage in liver and muscles
                                  1. hydrolysis in these cells release glucose when suger increase
                          3. classified by
                            1. the location of carbonyl group (adlose and ketose)
                              1. the number of carbons in carbon skeleton
                        3. nucleic acid
                          1. made of polymers
                            1. polymers made of monemers
                              1. have two chemical reaction
                                1. dehydration which combined two monemers by loss of water molecules
                                  1. hydrolysis wich break dawn two monemers by adding water molecule
                                    1. these reaction is catalyzed by enzymes
                                  2. arrangement = the sequence of bulding units
                                2. monomolecules
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