Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Scripture Refrences
- "Thou shalt not kill", abortion is breaking a commandment
- "We are all made in God's image", God
made us specially to be like him and we
can't destroy that
- "Your body is a temple of the Holy
Spirit", abortion destroys this
- "Love your neighbor",if they feel they need an
abortion, you should be compassionate and
understand their wishes
- Definition: "the deliberate termination of a pregnancy"
- Possible reasons for
- If you're raped, you shouldn't
have to keep the baby
- If the mothers life is at risk, an
abortion is the greater good because
at least the mothers life can be saved.
- Since it is the mothers
body,she should get to
choose what she keeps in it
- The baby is not legally a
human until birth. Therefore, it
is not murder
- During creation, God gave us free will
to make our own decisions
- The wellfare of the child, if they have
a serious disability or if the mother
cannot cope
- Possible reasons against
- The sanctity of life - life is holy and sacred.
Only God chooses when to give or take it
- You may regret your
decision in later life and
feel guilty
- Chance of sterility for the mother -
she can't have children in later life
- Some people say abortion is the "easy
way out" because there are alternatives
- The alternatives: you can put the baby up for
adoption,the patents can get financial help from the
government or family, there are temporary foster
homes etc.
- In the Bible it teaches that life begins at
conception so abortion is technically murder