Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- He was a slave in Plaine-Du-Nord.
- Bought by a free black
man named Dessalines,
he adopted it and
decided to keep it when
he was free.
- Slave for 3 years
until the slave
uprising in 1791
- He joined the slave rebellion
in 1791, enlisted to serve
Spain´s millitary forces.
- He met Toussant and
became his lieutenant.
Fought for the French after
the end of slavery.
- They faught many battles
and they won a lot of them
- When Napoleon came
to power they changed
sides against the frenc.
Dessalines became
leader when Toussant
was captured.
- The French army weakend
after a yellow fever epidemic.
This helped the revels and
after a series of many battles,
the French surrended.
- Dessalines promulgated
the Independence and
declared himself
- Named Jean Jaques Duclos like his
father who adopted it from his