Zusammenfassung der Ressource
2008- Why Did Obama Win
- The Impact of
the primary:
- Obama received 53% of
delegate votes: including 66%
of superdelegates -
- Oprah accompanied him during the
primary/ causus tour
- Been calculated
that she added 1
million votes.
- Raised more fund
during this season - Lack
of enthusiasm from the
- The Impact of the
- It is a healing process for the
- The Clintons: after the bitter personal primaries war
between Obama and H.Clinton. The Clintons were
left aggrieved and they have suggested that Obama
did not have the experience or leadership qualities
of a president.
- Obama received enough
superdelegate endorsement to
secure simple majority , therefore
winning the nomination.
- Campaigne
- Key issues of the
- Withdrawing American troops from Iraq
- Health Care
- Economy
- Impact of the Campaign
- Obama was viewed
as a candidate of a
- "Bush Effect" tied McCain to Bush
- Palin had a negative
effect to the
Republican campaign
- Obama did Internet based
- Form of innovation
- More modern way
- Reach wider people
- It helped to create network
for people which also helped
with funds.
- Problems Facing
- the October supprise- Hurricane.
- Bankruptcy of the bank leading to
near collapse of Financial sector
- Was blamed on the Republican
after their "Light Touch"