Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Integrating new team members from different
cultures into teams
- ability to be creative, to share complex knowledge
across locations
- Multiple Cultures Means Creativity
- The experience of multiple cultures
favoured creativity
- Leverage what you have one or more parts of
the world and that is innovative
- (Director del proyecto indio-americano-francés)
- Intellectual training to think like French,
American or Chinese .
- Personality plays a role: Being extroverted, assertive, and
sociable, contributes to effective multiculturalism.
- “Being There” is Not Enough
- Actively learning about the local culture and creating
opportunities to experience it first-hand are also needed.
- Multicultural takes time and effort as several
cultures need to be internalised.
- The Multicultural Manager:
Integrator or Pioneer ?
- Maintaining a balance between its different
cultural identities relatively easy can be good
"bridges" between cultures.