Zusammenfassung der Ressource
North:By Donna Jo Napoli
- Theme
- Message/theme Family issues,adventure
- How brought out in the book, Alvin's dad
died so his mom got worried about him
and forbid him from traveling, but since
he seeks adventure he left home and
went to Canada
- main conflict
- conflict/problem Alvin wants
to visit places from his
stories but can't
- Cause/ His mom is extremely over protective and wont let him
- Characters
- Name: Shastri
- Alvin's mom
- Shastri is a friend of Alvin
- Is overprotective of Alvin
- Always watches and cares
for Alvin
- Cheers Alvin up when hes sad
- Alvin
- Is the main character
- Wants to visit places
- Setting
- Time: January
- Place/location Washington D.C