Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Knowledge within a discipline develops
according to the principles of natural selection.
How useful is this metaphor?
- Related Areas of knowledge
- Human Sciences (economics)
- Ways of knowing
- Memory
- Humans often make decisions
based on specific situations
experienced in the past. If the
situation was pleasent or benefited
them it is very likely for them to
repeat it. However, if a situation
brought severe consequences, the
probabilities of experiencing it again
are almost null.
- As organisms, humans are also involved
with the concept of natural selection. This
means that any type of pressure in the
environment makes them react in a certain
way. However the one that can best adapt
to change is the one that survives by all
means, financially, socially, academically, etc.
- Natural Sciences
- Ways of knowledge
- Reason
- The logic, rational, and critical thinking
of individuals allow them to act in a
certain way when faced with an
environmental pressure..
- WHY?
- The concept of natural selection is directly linked to the
natural sciences, specifically to biology and the theory of
evolution. It explains how the organisms that best adapt
to the pressures of the environment are the ones that
survive, reproduce, and grow.
- Indigenous Knowledge Systems
- Ways of knowing
- Language
- Knowledge is often
transmitted orally from
one generation to another
- WHY?
- The concept of natural selection not
only applies to organisms, but to
traditional practices. as well. As new
environmental pressures emerge
indigenous knowledge systems are
forced to change and adapt in order
to survive. Similar to organism,s
indigenous tribes have extincted due
to their lack of rapid adaptation to a
specific change in the environment.
- Reasons why I am interested in the title
- Although the concept of natural selection is
most commonly referred to in the natural
sciences, it can also explain human behavioral
patterns in the actual society
- Natural selection is a timeless concept.
This means that it can be used to explain
trends and patterns that occured in the
past, that are occuring in the present, and
that are likely to occur in a future.
- By: Sofia Ramirez G.
- Central Knowledge Question
- To what extent can the principle of natural selection explain the
relationships and behaviors of individuals within a society?
- Subsidiary Knowledge Questions
- To what extent can our experiences
influence the decisions that we make?
- To what extent is language the most
effective tool to survive?
- How can individual
experiences help the adaption
of a community?
- Thesis statement
- Argument 1: knowledge acquired within a discipline is only considered valuable
when it remains useful through time and can be used in other areas. A clear
example of this is the effectiveness of medical advances within the scientific
community. This makes reference to specific medical practices that have been left
aside due to their incapacity to adapt to the recent technological pressures.
- Possible real life situation
- Possible real life situation: According to BBC News
(September, 2015) "New scan aims to aid tumour detection".
New technologies in the medical field can make processes
such as the detection of tumours, easier, faster, and more
effective. By adapting to emerging technologies, determining
the extent of tumours by hand, as it is currently done, can
be and forgotten.
- Argument 2 Individuals that conform to the social norms are able to
survive. On the other hand, individuals that contradict social stereotypes
are less likely to succeed. Studies in the psychology and economics field
confirm such statement by explaining how the principle of natural
selection is applied to human societies nowadays through the rejection
of practices or people that do not cope up with the pressures of the
modern society.
- Possible real life situation
- The streaming service "Spotify" demonstrates not only the principle
of natural selection, but the idea of competition among species.
Traduced to a bussiness language, Spotify has implemented new
designs to cope up with its main competitors youtube and itunes. (The
guardian, 2014)
- Possible counter- argument specific Indigenous systems have been able to
maintain their traditional practices even though they are constantly exposed
to the modern world. Although they have not adapted to the technological
era nor become westernised due to globalisation, indigenous tribes have
remained truthful to the practices that have proved to be useful and
effective for survival. This also demonstrates how the principle of natural
selection is reflected upon human societies nowadays.
- Possible real life situation
- The indigenous tribes Arhuaco, Wiwa, Kogi, and Kankuamo
have lived in the Sierra Nevada (Santa Marta, Colombia.)
since long ago. According to "Survival", a global movement
that stands for the tribal peoples’ rights, "Despite the
Indians’ peaceful nature, [...] many have been killed or forced
to flee from the quasi-civil war raging on their land."
However, some have adapted to the social pressures by
promoting principles of honesty and sense of community.
Others have adapated a life upper on the mountain,
however both of them have been able to survive.