Chemical and physical changes


Mindmap am Chemical and physical changes, erstellt von Iraide Román Resines am 04/02/2022.
Iraide Román Resines
Mindmap von Iraide Román Resines, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Iraide Román Resines
Erstellt von Iraide Román Resines vor fast 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Chemical and physical changes
    1. Important information
      1. They produce new subtances.
        1. Chemical changes are usually irreversible.
          1. Changes in the composition.
          2. Types
            1. Oxidation
              1. When oxigen combines with a subtance.
                1. Example
              2. Combustion
                1. Produces light and heat in the form of fire.
                  1. Example
                2. Fermentation
                  1. When carbohydrates are converted into carbon dioxide and alcohol or acids.
                    1. Examples
              3. PHYSICAL CHANGES
                1. Types
                  1. Melting
                    1. Ice melts and forms water; the water can be frozen and change into ice again.
                      1. Example
                    2. Evaporation
                      1. When a solution, is heated, the water evaporates and transforms into a gas.
                        1. Example
                    3. Important information
                      1. Changes in the form
                        1. When two or more substances are combined
                          1. Do NOT produce new substances
                            1. They are reversible
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