Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Trends
- Minority Rights
- Abolishment of Slavery
- Women's Rights
- Women's suffrage
- Distribution of Powers
- The State
- The states can make their own laws that apply exclusively to that state
- The Country
- Makes federal laws applicable to every state
- With the supremacy clause, federal laws will win over state laws
- Commerce Clause
- llows the federal gov. to regulate trade and business
- Bill of Rights
- Rights
- Freedom of speech
- Allows Citizens the freedom
to express themselves
- Protection
- Search and Seizure
- Prevents Spontaneous arrest or search in a private enclosure
- Conflict
- Gay Marriage
- Previously certain states didn't allow gay marriage within its borders
- Slavery
- Federal gov. abolished slavery, but some states broke off in
- Elements of Federalism
- states are unionized under one government